Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we are looking at in a different size. Today we look at the Villiger San’Doro Toro. This is a cigar line we previously assessed back in October 2016.

San Doro Maduro Toro

Wrapper: Brazilian Mata Fina
Binder: Brazilian Mata Norte
Filler: Brazilian Mata Fina, Brazilian Mata Norte
Country of Origin: Brazil
Factory: Villiger do Brazil.
Toro 6 x 50

In 2015 Villiger Cigars North America launched a three blend cigar line known as San’Doro. It is a line that pays homage to Christopher Columbus. The name San’Doro is actually derived from “Indorum Sana Sancta” which translates to “Sacred Herb of India”. During the time of Columbus’ expeditions, many thought he had found the route to India and when tobacco was brought back, it was referred to as “Indorum Sana Sancta”. The San’Doro line consists of three blends: San’Doro Claro (Connecticut Shade), San’Doro Colorado, and San’Doro Maduro. Today, we take a closer look at the San’Doro Maduro in the Toro size.

The San’Doro Maduro is a Brazilian puro. When you think of Villiger Cigars, you don’t think Brazilian tobacco, but Villiger has had ties with the South American country for many years. The company had operated a factory known as the Charutos Tobajara Limitada factory. Earlier this year, Villiger expanded its Brazilian operation by opening a new and larger factory known as Villiger do Brazil. In addition to the San’Doro Maduro, Villiger has made another Brazilian puro known as Villiger Tobajara Maduro.

As for the blend, the San’Doro Maduro uses a Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper, a Brazilian Mata Norte binder, and both Brazilian Mata Fina and Mata Norte for the filler. The San’Doro Maduro comes in one size – a 6 x 50 Toro. The cigars are presented in 20-count boxes.

While it been two years since I smoked the San’Doro Maduro Toro, there was one constant – the San’Doro Maduro maintained its coffee-dominant flavor profile. The coffee notes maintained a presence in the forefront from start to finish. There were also secondary notes of baker’s spice, classic wood, citrus, and red pepper. I found the baker’s spice and red pepper diminished during the middle stages of the cigar, but increased in intensity during the final third. This was a medium bodied flavor profile countered by medium strength.


Final Thoughts

In most cases, Brazilian puro cigars sound more exotic than they actually are. That was the cases with the San’Doro Maduro. It’s not the most exciting cigar, but its a steady performer and one that will deliver a nice smoking experience. It’s best enjoyed undistracted as you will get the most out of the flavor nuances it delivers. At just above $8.00 per cigar, the San’Doro Maduro won’t break the bank. This is a cigar aimed at either at novice or experienced cigar enthusiast. As for myself, it’s a cigar I’d buy and smoke again.


Key Flavors: Coffee,  Bakers’ Spice, Red Pepper, Classic Wood, Citrus, Red Pepper
Burn: Excellent
Draw: Excellent
Complexity: Medium
Strength: Medium
Body: Medium
Finish: Good


Value: Buy One
Score: 89


Previous Assessment: Villiger San’Doro Maduro Toro
News: Villiger San’Doro Launched at 2015 IPCPR
Price: $8.15
Source: Villiger
Brand Reference: Villiger

Photo Credits: Cigar Coop