Over the past year, Gary Griifith’s brand of Emilio Cigars has been capturing the attention of cigar enthusiasts. Now up on the Emilio website are some details of a new line and the first blend of that line – the Draig-K. Griffith has done a masterful job at “building a mystery” in his line. With his Grimalkin line, he took a less conventional route by keeping most of the details of the blend under wraps and letting the cigar speak for itself. The Draig line appears to be following in similar footsteps.
The Draig line is intended to be a small batch, limited production cigar. The plan is for each year is to produce an entirely new cigar blend in the series. In addition, a different factory each year will be used to produce the cigar. According to an interview done by Cigar Craig with Griffith, the Draig-K will be leveraging a Colombian Cubanito wrapper.(*)
The first release is called the Draig-K is named as a tribute to the memory of a close friend of Griffith. Griffith is keeping the details of the blend under wraps, but there will be three sizes – a Corona, Robusto, and a Toro. The cigars will be sold in boxes of ten. There will be 200 boxes of each size produced.
The cigars pay homage to Griffith’s Welsh roots. If you are familiar with the Grimalkin, you know that cigar pays tribute to a cat from the Scottish Highlands. The draig itself is a Welch dragon. A little British-Isles connection? Perhaps the mystery begins to unfold.
I’ve seen some photos online, and the Draig-K appears to be a Maduro wrapper in appearance. We will closely monitor this upcoming limited release in the upcoming weeks.
(*) Updated 1/15/12 with reference to Cigar Craig interview.