
At Cigar Coop, we have established a powerful network of some of the leading media outlets in the cigar industry. We don’t just trade reciprocal links, we each contribute actively to one another’s brands. Please note our sponsorships do not encompass our media partners. Any sponsorship with a Cigar Coop Media Partner member must be directed to that specific media entity.

On a side, note to protect our media partners we have worked to establish, we restrict any reciprocal links to them and don’t trade them.

KMA Talk RadioFounded in 2011, KMA Talk Radio has become a staple radio broadcast in the cigar industry. The show is heard on 900am The Talk of West Palm Beaches and now several affiliates including: 103.9 FM LI News Radio: Long Island, NY; 920 AM The Answer: Atlanta, GA; 104.9 The Talk of Gainesville, AM; and 1380 The Biz – Wall Street Radio Network.

Cigar Coop is proud to be the official news provider to the KMA Talk Radio Program. Tune in for our industry reports weekly.


Developing Palates

Developing Palates is the web-site founded by Prime Time Show co-host Aaron Loomis and Jiunn Liu.

Developing Palates was formed for a few reasons. One is to take you on a journey with us as we continue to develop our own palates in our constant search for flavor. Second is to help you develop your own palate, hopefully by learning from our shared experiences. Third is to try out some new concepts and systems as it relates to online media.


#ElOSoFumarTakes is the podcast founded and hosted by Prime Time Special Edition co-host Bear Duplisea.

Each week Bear and a special guest give a unique “take” on a particular topic – in a quick and easy to digest format Bear’s takes cover the cigar industry and beyond.

Cigar Coop