Boutique Blends Cigars, the subsidiary under Oliveros Cigars is planning on launching a special five sampler pack of Cigars under their Aging Room Cigars line as well as a new cigar under its Swag Cigars line. Information for these projects were first reported on the March 23rd Cigar Dave broadcast. Additional information was then discussed later that afternoon on Stogie 411 broadcast featuring Oliveros President Rafael Nodal and Hank Bischoff.
The sampler pack will be known as the Aging Room Cigars WildPack. The sampler will contain five unique blends with 2 cigars of each blend. The plan will be to allow consumers to vote for their favorite blend in the pack and the winning blend will be launched at the 2013 IPCPR Trade Show. Availability of the Aging Room WildPack is scheduled for this summer.
According to the reports, all of the cigars in the WildPack will be a 6 x 50 toro shape. Consumers who purchase the pack will be able to log on to a special web-site to vote for their favorite blend and provide feedback on the various attributes of the smoking experience.
Nodal and Bischoff also discussed on Stogie 411 another cigar being launched under the Aging Room Cigars line called the Aging Room M21. This will be a small batch cigar with only 1000 boxes of 12 being made. It will use twelve year old tobacco left over from the Oliveros LTD cigar. The cigar will be made in a small preferido sized 5 1/2 x 47.
In addition, the Cigar Dave and Stogie 411 broadcasts mentioned another blend will be launched under Boutique Blends’ other line, Swag Cigars. This cigar will be known as the Swag “S”. This cigar will use a Connecticut Seed wrapper grown in the Dominican Republic. The cigars will be geared toward larger ring gauges.
About a year ago, Oliveros launched Boutique Blends Cigars. The new company will focus exclusively on the production and distribution of boutique brand cigars. The Swag and Aging Room lines from Oliveros were moved into the Boutique Blends cigar arm. Earlier this month, Aging Room Cigars also announced a cigarillo offering known as the Aging Room Mini.