Room101 Cigars is re-releasing a limited edition cigar, it offered to retailers a few years ago. The cigar doesn’t have an official name, but has been referred to as the “Death Bucket.” The cigar is a re-release of one of the first projects Room101 brand owner did after returning to the cigar industry after a brief hiatus.

Booth explained the genesis of this project as follows:

“In January of 2017 I announced that I was retiring from the cigar industry. I had no idea how unrealistic this proposition was as making cigars had become a part of who I am as a person. About 5 months later I produced my first cigar since stepping away momentarily. It was done for the love of the creative and collaborative process. I worked with Henderson at Tabacalera William Ventura to create this product. It was also one of the first cigars I blended in The Dominican Republic. The blend and band were made strictly in fun for passion’s sake. I produced around 7500 of these cigars a few months later and distributed them to brick and mortar stores that had supported me over the years. This blend, to my pleasant surprise, was very well received by my existing fan base and new comers alike. A year later I produced 10,000 more and today I am releasing those 10,000 cigars for sale. I believe this cigar to be one of my strongest projects created while working in the Dominican Republic. The cigars will be distributed to some key brick and mortar stores as well as some online retailers that show Room101 love.

The cigar itself features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper over tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Booth says the name “Death Bucket” evolved from the Room101 fan base.

Photo Credit: Room101 Cigars