Recently Cigar Sense has announced a new online course known as “A Cigar Tasting Course.”  The details of the course were announced in a press release:

Premium cigar consumers evolve. Next to brand, blend or price, when we choose a cigar, we are also more prone to seek flavors that we find pleasing. A great sensory experience ultimately improves our life quality.

“A Cigar Tasting Course” is a thorough approach to the tasting, a journey that starts from the leaves that compose a cigar and dives deep into our senses, as well as into the areas of influence that affect our perception of the cigar we taste. The course ends with tasting elements that make it easier to decompose and then synthesize the cigar evaluation.

While this course is also intended for smokers who want to improve their ability to identify flavors in a cigar, it goes beyond that. It is an adventure for any cigar lover who is not afraid to leave some outdated beliefs and biases behind. The only pre-requisite is knowing how to cut and light a cigar.

“Even expert smokers asked us to help answer questions like: If I know I am smoking a Cameroon wrapped cigar, then I think I pick up flavors recalled from previous experiences I had with other Cameroon wrapped cigars. Are these the flavors that are truly present in that particular cigar that I am smoking, or does it all come from my mind? Am I simply making it up?” Franca Comparetto, author of the course, explains.

Professionals in the industry also must learn continuously in order to meet the evolving demand of educated consumers. This course will help them tell more authentic stories to their customers and connect with them through a stronger sensory acumen.

“A Cigar Tasting Course” is a start into a more scientific approach to the tasting of cigars. The course has been reviewed by Constantin Heitkamp, sensory scientist.

Karl-Heinz Klang, the first Cigar Sense member who earned a completion certificate, said:” Enrolling in this course was the best investment I have done referring to cigars.”

More details, including the topics covered in the course, are at