This is our third attempt to select a winner for the Quality Importers Tower Humidor.

The first winner was ineligible due to eligibility requirements. The second winner never claimed the prize. We have conducted another drawing on the the Cigar Coop Rumble Channel, and the winner is John Diteman.

The winner will be subject to verification of eligibility and address. Winners will have 48 hours to respond once we officially notify them. If you entered from our Facebook page, we expect you to respond to Facebook messenger. If you entered through the web, we expect you to respond via email.

In addition, we expect all entries to abide by the Cigar Coop Contest Rules, but the 90-day winning rule is waived here. This prize is only being offered if you live in the contiguous (lower 48) States in the U.S.

All eligibility determinations and drawing results are final and binding.

Note: The contest closed on Friday, 8/18/23. No further entries are being considered. Comments have been shut off to avoid any confusion that no further entries are being considered.

The drawing video is below: