Aging Room Cigars released a new cigar line at TPE 2023 called the Quattro Nicaragua Sonata. This cigar line is a brand of the well-received Quattro Nicaragua cigar line that won Cigar of the Year in 2019 from Cigar Aficionado. Rafael Nodal, owner of Aging Room Cigars, is a well-known music lover and he decided to create his own sonata using tobacco leaves. He worked with AJ Fernandez to create the Quattro Nicaragua Sonata cigar line using extra-aged tobaccos.
- Vitola: Toro
- Size: 6 x 54
- Wrapper: Nicaraguan
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Filler: Nicaraguan
- Country of Origin: Nicaragua
- Factory: Tabacalera A.J. Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua S.A.
- MSRP: $13.24