All Saints Price Decrease

All Saints Cigars has announced that effective May 15, it will implement a price decrease across its portfolio. The company stated that the price decrease will average 10% across its portfolio. According to All Saints Cigars, this decision is considered an “industry anomaly”. While many companies are increasing prices, All Saints has decided to reverse the trend.

“As our industry navigates through the persistent price escalations post-COVID, we at All Saints Fine Cigars have decided not just to hold the line but to draw a new one,” said Micky Pegg of All Saints Fine Cigars. “We stand firmly behind our cherished retail partners and devoted consumers, ensuring they receive nothing but the best from us.”

The company says it will work with work with retailer partners to ensure that recently purchased inventory is compensated. All Saints Cigars says additional details can be obtained on the price decrease and rebate by contacting them at