Prime Time Jukebox QR code

Inspired by the upcoming Oliva Serie V Melanio Edición Año 2024, tonight we present a QR code Show for Prime Time Jukebox.

The concept for the Oliva Edición Año 2024 is based on a musical composition composed by pianist Paul Montag. Montag composed this piece on December 1, 2023, while enjoying the Oliva Serie V Melanio. During his cigar experience, this inspired the composition itself. On the packaging of the Oliva Edición Año 2024, there will be a QR code where you can access Montag’s final musical composition.

Dave latched on to this idea and said what if we pick two cigars, build a playlist that was inspired by our smoking experience.

To access the QR codes, go to the Cigar Jukebox article at:

We will also have music news, cigar news, and the developing palates cigar of the week.

Check out our video or audio for Prime Time Jukebox Episode 125: The QR code Show:

As always you can follow along with our Spotify Playlists the old fashioned way:


Prime Time Jukebox – the podcast that pairs music with cigars. You can catch us on Google Play MusiciTunesPodbean, YouTube, Odysee, and Rumble