The Powstanie SBC 20 is the third installment of Powstanie cigar’s limited edition SBC series. Powstanie is a brand owned by Mike and Greg Szczepankiewicz, the owners of Cigar Hustler. To produce their brand the Szczepankiewicz brothers teamed up with Nica Sueño, the factory co-owned by Skip Martin of RoMa Craft Tobac. SBC stands for […]
Agile Cigar Review: Flor de Selva No. 15 by Maya Selva Cigars (2022)
Today, we look at Maya Selva Cigars’ Flor de Selva No. 15 from a 2022 vintage. Earlier in 2023, Maya Selva Cigars released a special vintage set of its Flor De Selva No. 15 release. The release contains two sets of ten cigars. Ten of the cigars were rolled in 2022 and then aged. The […]
Cigar Review: Foreign Affair Corona by Luciano Cigars
Today, we are looking at the Foreign Affair Corona by Luciano Cigars. Foreign Affair is a collaborative brand launched by Luciano Cigars early in 2023. In 2022, Luciano Meirelles reorganized his operation and created Luciano Cigars from ACE Prime. One of the most exciting things about Luciano Cigars is that it has established a network […]
Cigar Review: Emilio Audiophile Robusto 2023
In 2023, Emilio Cigars would release its second installment of the Emilio Audiophile. Emilio is one of the four brands distributed by Oveja Negra Cigars and produced at Fabrica Oveja Negra. The Audiophile debuted as a limited edition cigar at the 2022 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show. Today, we take a closer look at […]
Cigar Review: Tatuaje Avion 13 Tuxtla
Today, we take a look at another cigar in Tatuaje’s Tuxtla Series, the Tatuaje Avion 13 Tuxtla. Tuxtla is a region in Mexico where San Andres tobacco is grown and harvested. Tuxtla is an appropriate name for this series as it involves taking some of Tatuaje’s most popular cigars and replacing the wrapper with a […]
Cigar Review: AVO Seasons Spring Limited Edition 2023
In 2022, Davidoff announced that AVO Cigars would be retiring the annual AVO Limited Edition series as we know it. The series started in 2001 when the cigar was released as a commemorative birthday release for brand founder Avo Uzevian. In 2015, the series was morphed into the AVO Improvisation Series, which also were limited […]
Cigar Review: Montecristo Nicaragua Series – The Great Smoke (TGS) 2023 Exclusive
If you follow Cigar Coop, you have probably noticed we have greatly reduced coverage of single-store and event-only cigar releases. While I understand the importance of these releases in terms of manufacturer and retailer relationships, the interest levels simply have not been there with our audience. There still are some attractive candidates to cover, and […]
Cigar Review: E.P. Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance (2023)
The E.P. Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance is the fifth installment of the Perez-Carrillo series. It is also the first limited-edition installment of the series. The name is derived from the third and fourth installments of the Perez-Carrilo line, the Pledge and Allegiance, respectively. The idea for the name is credited to former E.P. Carrillo Chief […]
Cigar Review: Plasencia Ehtëfal (2022)
In 2022, Plasencia Cigars quietly started telling retailers of an ultra-premium limited edition offering known as the Plasencia Ehtëfal. The release of the Plasencia Ehtëfal was meant to coincide with the 2022 FIFA World Cup that was taking place in Qatar in November 2022. Plasencia Cigars made it clear that this was not a commemorative […]
Cigar Review: Knuckle Sandwich 55 Limited Edition
Celebrity Restauranteur turned cigar-brand owner Guy Fieri wanted a special cigar to commemorate his 55th birthday and turned to Espinosa Cigars, who handles both his production and distribution for his Knuckle Sandwich brand, to make such a cigar. The result was a cigar known as the Knuckle Sandwich 55. Fieri was initially given 55 ten-count […]