The following is an article published by Cigar Rights of America Executive Director Glynn Loope. It documents the “State of Cigar Rights” currently in the United States. The article references battles against the Pleasure Police on taxation and smoking rights. This should be required reading by any Tobacco Enthusiast.
As Mr. Loope mentions, this is already a busy year in the area of cigar and tobacco rights. A few of my comments:
1.The potential battles of statewide smoking bans in Indiana, Kentucky, and Texas are huge. These require close watching by Tobacco Enthusiasts as we cannot afford to lose battles in these states. At the same time, we must hold the Governors of Kansas and Wisconsin accountable on their campaign promises to ease up on such restrictions.
2.The battles at the local level are taking place in many areas of the country. These battles need support at the grass-roots level as they could make things more difficult to enjoy a tobacco product. The term “Outdoor Smoking Ban” is a scary prospect for many of us – and it is becoming more common and real every day.. We all know much of the “dangers of second hand smoke” are clear myths – these dangers for all practical purposes have been manipulating and fabricated.
3.We cannot afford to take our eye off the taxation issues. This is putting the entire cigar and tobacco industry at risk. I’m already hearing from some New York retailers who wonder if they can continue to be in this industry for 2011. Yes, we can all get cigars online cheaper at times; but without helping to keep the lights on with the local retailers, this industry could end up in grave danger
4.The Pleasure Police are well-funded. This is why the CRA really needs your help. Sign up if you haven’t already. These guys are working hard to fight for our rights.
5.It is important to hold every politician accountable for smoking ban and taxation issues. I encourage you, if they are voting for these measures against tobacco enthusiasts to show them the door at the voting booth at the next election.