Cigar Aficionado reported a new line of cigars made by E.P. Carrillo. The new cigar line will be called “Inch by E.P. Carrillo” and will be geared to large ring gauge cigar enthusiasts.
The Inch by E.P. Carrillo will be available in three vitolas and have two distinct blends. One will feature a natural Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper while the other one will feature a Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro. All of the vitolas will be made available in ring gauge sizes of 60 and above.
The plan is for the new line of cigars to be released to retailers before the 2012 IPCPR trade show this July. The article in Cigar Aficionado has additional details. Here is the details of what was released to Cigar Aficionado today.
Blend Profile
The blend features a mix of Nicaraguan binder and Dominican filler for both the Ecuadorian Sumatra and Connecticut Broadleaf releases.
Inch (Ecuadorian Sumatra)
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sumatra
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Dominican (Piloto Cubano, Corojo and Criollo ’98)
Inch (Connecticut Broadleaf)
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Dominican (Piloto Cubano, Corojo and Criollo ’98)
Vitolas Available
60 Ring Gauge: 5 7/8 x 60
62 Ring Gauge: 5 x 62
64 Ring Gauge: 6 1/4 x 64