
On June 22, 2012, Cigar Aficionado reported of a cigar that is a joint venture between S.A.G Imports and My Father Cigars.   The cigar is called Tres Reynas and will be launched at the 2012 IPCPR Trade Show in Orlando, Florida.

What makes this cigar collobaration unique is that it that not only is it a collaboration between two of the most respected families in the cigar industry – the Quesadas and Garcias, but it is a collaboration between the daughters of these familes – Patricia and Raquel Quesada of S.A.G. Imports and Janny Garcia of My Father Cigars.  This plays into the name “Tres Reynas” which means “three Queens”.

The plan is for My Father Cigars to handle the production of the cigar and for S.A.G. Imports to handle the distribution of the cigar.

Here are some of the particulars of the product.   Cigar Aficionado describes this as a limited edition cigar with only 1000 boxes of each vitola being produced.  The price range is expected to be in the $7.00 – $8.00 range.

Blend Profile

Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan

Vitolas Available

Robusto: 5 x 50
Torpedo: 6 x 54
Gordo: 6 x 60