(Atlanta, GA) – October 31st, 2012: Primer Mundo Cigar Company, makers of El Primer Mundo
premium boutique cigars are excited to announce the entry of their brand into the Asian cigar market.
Primer Mundo Cigar Company, LLC base in Alanta GA has solidified an agreement with ChindAsia Lifestyle
Group LTD based in Bangkok Thailand to be the exclusive distributor of EPM’s line of cigars throughout
Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, India and the Middle East. Having opened
the Ultra-Exclusive Club Perdomo Cigar Lounge in Bangkok, ChindAsia has become
one of the pre-eminent lifestyle groups in the Asian marketplace. Having been the
exclusive distribution partner for Perdomo Cigars throughout Asia for almost a decade
ChindAsia is now introducing new select premium boutique additions to their
clientele. These new additions to their portfolio will initially include El Primer
Mundo’s Little Havana Series along with EPM’s new La Hermandad line. The Little
Havana series, which includes the Liga Miami and the Epifania has been a very
promising project for this small-batch premium cigar maker. Following the release of
the Liga Miami in 2010, the EPM line had received consistent commendation and
acclaim throughout the market place. With the addition of the Epifania in 2011, EPM’s Little Havana Series
became one of the hottest small-batch boutique lines on the U.S. market. EPM’s Little Havana Series is rolled
at the storied Titan de Bronze Cigar Factory on Calle Ocho in the Little Havana section of Miami FL, USA.
EPM makes their La Hermandad line in the Dominican Republic at the PDR Cigar factory and the line has
entered the U.S. market to a very robust reception. EPM is hopeful about experiencing a similar response in
their new international markets through their partnership with ChindAsia Lifestyle Group.
“We were thrilled to confirm our agreement with EPM during the IPCPR in Orlando this year.” Said Jason
Nelson, Vice President of Business Development for ChindAsia Lifestyle Group. “ With our Lifestyle Group
now expanding rapidly to include more private clubs, a number of Whiskey and Cigar bars around the Asia-
Pacific Region and our new online presence with www.cigarsemporium.com, the EPM line compliments our
current range and offers customers a truly “Boutique” cigar.” Nelson continues, “Not only does EPM produce a
fine cigar, but Sean’s history and commitment to the industry is a heartwarming story and is one welcomed by
our customers”.
“I’m very excited about this partnership with ChindAsia. They will essentially be EPM’s sales and marketing
team in these new markets,” says Sean Williams, President of Primer Mundo Cigar Company. “They’ve done a
terrific job over the last few years in gaining market penetration and growth with the Perdomo brand,
particularly in Southeast Asia and Australia.” Sean adds, “I’m honored to be one of only two new brands that
they’re bringing on board right now, the other being EPC by Ernesto Carillo.”
This agreement with ChindAsia Lifestyle Group comes one year after Primer Mundo Cigar Company’s
agreement with Baltico Tobacco Importing, which is responsible for distribution of the EPM line in Russia.
Primer Mundo Cigar Company looks forward to exploring and growing opportunities within international
markets and will be producing more market specific lines in the way of limited releases and special vitolas to be
offered in these new marketplaces.
Additional information on EPM Cigars can be found at www.primermundocigars.com as well as on
FaceBook and Twitter.
Source: This press release was provided by Primer Mundo Cigars. Cigar Coop will post press releases as a free service to all cigar companies that choose to send Cigar Coop press releases.