Kyle Hoover and Chris Kelly were our special guests on Episode 71 of the Stogie Geeks. In addition to talking about their company, they gave us some information on their latest project, the Ezra Zion FHK.
At the 2013 IPCPR Trade Show, Ezra Zion officially made the announcement of the FHK. The FHK is the second installment into the company’s Honor Series line. The FHK came is derived from the last names of the company founders: Alan Fonseca, Kyle Hoover, and Chris Kelly. The FHK is meant to “Honor” their families. The first release of the series was called the “Reagan” – meant to honor the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan.
The FHK was announced as a maduro cigar. Hoover described the blend as multinational blend consisting of San Andres, Brazilian, Indonesian, and Nicaraguan tobacco. He described the cigar as a “leathery, coffee…like a dark multi-creamy beer that is jus scrumptious”. The FHK will be released in four sizes.
Kelly also mentioned the cigar is still undergoing aging. He said, “we got to make sure that thing ages just right. We know exactly where we want it to be, and its not there yet”
John Reiner
October 30, 2013 @ 9:15 pm
Of course Kyle smoked the last one available on the Monday Cigar hangout…