Nashville, Tennessee-based Crowned Heads has been named the Cigar Media Association’s Cigar Brand of the Year. 2014 was a year that saw Crowned Heads add a second manufacturing partner and make a move toward the limited edition market. At the same time, the company released several critically acclaimed cigars to the marketplace.
The big change saw Crowned Heads introduce My Father Cigars in Esteli, Nicaragua as a manufacturing partner – joining Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr’s Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican Republic. There were seven new lines introduced by Crowned Heads made at My Father Cigars including the highly successful regular production Jericho Hill.
The release of more limited editions, regional editions, and shop exclusives marked a change in direction for Crowned Heads which had focused more on regular production cigars prior to this year. The company introduced an annual limited edition series (Las Calaveras), a limited cigar for the Tobacconist Association of America (The Angel’s Anvil), several regional releases (Tennessee Waltz, the Mason Dixon Project), shop exclusives (Headley Grange Snaredrum for Federal Cigar, Arrington Vineyards Double W for Arrington Vineyards, Hecho Con Corazon LE 2014 for Hickory Cigar Club / Tinderbox of Charlotte, and the Buckingham for Cigar Federation). The change proved to be very successful as the cigars were both a critical and commercial success among cigar enthusiasts.
In a statement from the Cigar Media Association:
“There were a lot of brands, both big and small, and new and old, that had a great 2014 year. In fact, there were so many that the votes were very close at times in terms of who would receive this award. But the end of the day though, the 14 members of the Cigar Media Association voted and the votes kept pointing to one brand. It is my honor to announce that the 2014 Cigar Media Association Award for Brand of the Year Award goes to Crowned Heads.”
On January 2nd, the Cigar Media Association announced its nominees for its 1st Cigar Industry Awards. The purpose of these awards are to honor and celebrate the companies and individuals in the cigar industry. It marks the marks the first time a collaborative effort among various brands of the cigar media have come together for such a process. Cigar Coop / Stogie Geeks is a founding member of the organization.
Crowned Heads was one of six brands nominated for Cigar Media Association Cigar Brand of the Year. The nominees included:
- Crowned Heads
- Davidoff
- Drew Estate
- Illusione
- Tatuaje
- Warped Cigars