At the 2015 ProCigar Festival in the Dominican Republic, the upcoming Davidoff Limited Masters Edition 2015 cigar will be showcased as a part of an annual charity auction at the 2015 ProCigar. A sneak preview of the upcoming cigar was revealed in the a press communication on the auction.
The only details released on the Davidoff Limited Masters Edition 2015 are that it eight year old filler tobaccos with a Dominican Criollo binder. The cigar will be released in both a Robusto and Toro size and only 7,500 boxes will be made available.
The Masters Edition 2015 has a golf theme to it, and this is denoted on the secondary band. This is not the first Davidoff limited edition with a golf theme. In 2013, Davidoff released the Davidoff Masters Edition 2013 Club House Toro.
This will be the eighth consecutive year ProCigar will have a charity auction with all proceeds benefitting the Voluntariado de Jesus con los Ninos and the Hospicio San Vicente de Paul, non-profit organizations which are dedicated to helping ill children and impoverished elders. The auction is scheduled for February 21st at the ProCigar gala event which takes place the final night of the festival.
The auction lot item featuring the Davidoff Limited Masters Edition 2015 also features one of the Davidoff Collector’s Edition. This is one of 50 special edition boxes of the Davidoff Art Edition which in which each features a unique original artist print by artist Quisqueya Henriquez. This auction item has a starting bid of $2,750.00.