United Cigar Group will be released a limited edition cigar to commemorate the mathematical constant π (pi). The Pi Cigar will be a cigar done in conjunction with Leynadas Cubanas in the Dominican Republic. It will be released on March 14th, which has become unofficially known as Pi Day (March 14 – representing the first three significant digits of pi – 3.14….). It also was the birthday of Albert Einstein and sometimes the two days are joined together.
“The circumference of a cigar is pi and we should not be left out on this one” says David Garofalo of United Cigar, “as the next time this will happen to this level is in 100 years from now and I don’t expect to be around for that one… so it’s now or never”.
In addition to the cigars being released on 3/14/15, there will be a total of 3,141 Pi Cigars produced.
The cigar will have an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper over a Sumatra binder with fillers from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The cigar is being produced in one size – a 6 x 50 Toro. It will have a suggested retail price of $10.00.
Leyandas Cubanas is best known for the factory that produces Recluse Cigars.
United Cigar Retailers distributes brands such as Selected Tobacco, Garofalo, Fleur de la Raine, and La Gianna.