Davidoff Culebra

Davidoff Cigars has announced the Davidoff Cuelbras Limited Edition. This offering brings together each of the Davidoff Discovery Pillar blends intertwined in a Culebra offering.

Each culebra consists of three panatelas of the Davidoff Nicaragua, Davidoff Escurio, and Davidoff Yamasá blends. Each panatela is a twisted 6 1/2 x 33 vitola.


The three-count Culebra unit is packaged in a small black matter-lacquered cabinet box. There will also be larger boxes with the 8 three-count Culebra units. A total of 400 of the eight count boxes has been produced.

Davidoff Culebra Box


According to Davidoff, the Davidoff Limited Edition Cuelbras will only be available at Davidoff Flagship stores.

The Davidoff Escurio is a blend that features a Habano Ecuador wrapper over a Brazilian Cubra binder and a filler consisting of Brazilian and Dominican tobaccos. The Davidoff Nicaragua is an all Nicaraguan blend highlighted by the Nicaraguan Rosado wrapper. Finally, Davidoff Yamasá is a blend that showcases Davidoff tobacco from the Yamasá region. The blend has a wrapper and binder from Yamasá as well as well as a Nicaraguan and Dominican tobacco in the filler.

The Davidoff Culebras Limited Editon comes concurrently with the announcement of 60 x 6 line extensions to the Escurio, Nicaragua, and Yamasá lines.

Photo Credits: © Oettinger Davidoff AG 2016