A new Gordo size has come to the blends of Davidoff’s Discovery Pillar (a.k.a. Davidoff Black Label). This week the Davidoff Escurio, Davidoff Nicaragua, Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed, and Davidoff Yamasá each received a new 60 x 6 vitola in its line. Its a series of line extensions that Davidoff says will be available for a limited time.
The Davidoff Escurio, the blend that pays homage to Brazilian tobacco now receives its sixth vitola with the new 60 x 6. Like the rest of Escurio, the 60 x 6 features a Habano Ecuador wrapper over a Brazilian Cubra binder and a filler consisting of Brazilian and Dominican tobaccos.
The Davidoff Nicaragua, the company’s Nicaraguan puro receives its first line extension since 2014’s Diadema. Like Escurio, the 60 x 6 is the line’s sixth vitola. The blend is highlighted by the Nicaraguan Rosado wrapper
Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed is also a Nicaraguan puro. It was introduced in 2016, but features a different blend than the standard Davidoff Nicaragua. This cigar is highlighted by a Nicaraguan Oscuro wrapper. The new 60 x 6 is the third vitola introduced in the Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed and its first line extension overall. These are the first Davidoff-branded box pressed cigars and thus the first box pressed Gordo with the Davidoff name.
Finally Davidoff Yamasá, which also was introduced in 2016 gets its first line extension as well. The new 60 x 6 becomes the line’s fifth vitola. The blend showcases Davidoff tobacco from the Yamasá region. The blend has a wrapper and binder from Yamasá as well as well as a Nicaraguan and Dominican tobacco in the filler.
The four offerings are the first Davidoff-branded 60 x 6 cigars since the Davidoff Year of the Horse 2014.
Each of the new 60 x 6 cigars are packaged in 12 count boxes. At a glance, here is a look at the four lines.
Davidoff Escurio
Wrapper: Habano Ecuador
Binder: Brazilian Cubra
Filler: Dominican (San Vicente, Piloto and HybridOlor/Piloto Seco), Brazilian (Cubra and Mata Fina)
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic (TABADOM)
60 x 6: 6 x 60
Short Robusto: 3 1/4 x 50
Robusto Tubo: 4 1/2 x 54
Gran Toro: 5 1/2 x 58
Corona Gorda: 6 x 46
Gran Perfecto: 5 x 50/61
Davidoff Nicaragua
Wrapper: Habano Seed Nicaragua Rosado
Binder: Habano Jalapa
Filler: Esteli Viso, Condegas Ligero, Ometepe Viso and Esteli Ligero
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic (TABADOM)
60 x 6: 6 x 60
Short Corona: 3 3/4 x 46
Robusto: 5 x 50 (Tube packaging)
Toro: 5 1/2 x 54
Belicoso: 5 1/4 x 52 (Limited Production)
Diadema Fina: 6 1/2 x 50
Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed
Wrapper: Nicaragua Habana Oscuro
Binder: Nicaragua Habana Jalapa
Filler: Nicaraguan tobaccos from Ometepe, Condega and Estelí
Country or Origin: Dominican Republic (TABADOM)
60 x 6: 6 x 60
Robusto: 5 x 48
Toro: 6 x 52
Davidoff Yamasá
Wrapper: Yamasá (Dominican Republic)
Binder: San Vincente from Yamasá (Dominican Republic)
Filler: Nicaragua (Condega, Esteli), Dominican (Piloto, Mejorado)
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic (TABADOM)
60 x 6: 6 x 60
Petit Churchill: 4 x 48
Robusto: 5 x 50
Toro: 6 x 52
Pirámides: 6 1/8 x 52
Photo Credit: Davidoff