Asylum Cigars has been somewhat of a juggernaut over the past five years in the cigar industry. Tonight, on Episode 20 of the Prime Time Show, we have the co-founder and co-owner of Asylum Cigars, the one and only Tom Lazuka.
We will discuss the rise of Asylum Cigars and talk about the latest happenings with the brand. Tom’s a big Michigan-sports fan, so we pay homage to Michigan sports in our Debonaire Ideal segment. Finally, in our Deliberation Segment, we debate different sizes of vitolas.
This promises to be an episode you won’t want to miss.
Tune in live 10pm Eastern/7pm Eastern!!!!! If you miss us, you can catch Prime Time any time on Google Play Music, iTunes, Podbean, and YouTube. The Prime Time Show – all about industry people and industry talk.
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