Davidoff has announced its series of 2020 Exclusive cigars for select retail and distribution partners. This includes a series of store exclusive and regional releases. The Davidoff Exclusive Series 2020 is comprised of 18 releases, including five for the U.S. market.
Each releasee was chosen by a trusted retailer in the region and is catered to preferences of the locale. The releasees come in one of three formats: Belicoso, Piramides, and Panetela. All are packaged in 10-count white and gold boxes featuring designs relevant to the retailer or geography of the area. Each secondary band on the cigar is customized to the release.
“The Davidoff Exclusive Editions are exceptional cigar creations with customized blends, each as unique as the countries, cities and anniversaries they were made to celebrate. With these personalized editions we are honouring Zino Davidoff’s unique attention to each customer and his individual demands who entered the iconic Geneva store,” commented Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG in a press release.
Davidoff Exclusive Geneva: 300 boxes exclusive for the Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 store in Geneva, Switzerland.
Davidoff Exclusive London 40th Anniversary: 300 boxes exclusive for the Davidoff of London store in London, Great Britain.
Davidoff Exclusive Beirut: 300 boxes exclusive for select Davidoff appointed merchants in Beirut, Lebanon.
Davidoff Exclusive UAE: 500 boxes exclusive fort Dubai Travel Retail and local 5 Star Hotels in the UAE.
Davidoff Exclusive Tokyo: 400 boxes exclusive for Davidoff appointed merchants in Travel Retail and domestic in Tokyo, Japan.
Davidoff Exclusive Taiwan: 400 boxes exclusive for the Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 Regent store in Taipei (Taiwan) and selected wholesale outlets throughout Taiwan and Travel Retail.
Davidoff Exclusive Morocco: 300 boxes exclusive for cigar specialists, selected 5 Star Hotels and at “Magasin Nicolas.”
Davidoff Exclusive Abidjan: 300 boxes exclusive for cigar specialists in the domestic market in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Davidoff Exclusive Argentina: 300 boxes exclusive for the domestic market at three retail stores in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Davidoff Exclusive Brazil: 300 boxes exclusive for at the Caruso lounge in São Paulo, Brazil.
Davidoff Exclusive Italy: 300 boxes exclusive for select Davidoff appointed merchants throughout Italy.
Davidoff Exclusive Germany Cigar Lounge: 800 boxes exclusive for Davidoff Ambassador stores as well as Davidoff Partner lounges.
Davidoff Exclusive China: 600 boxes exclusive for stores operated by China Duty Free Group.
Davidoff Exclusive Cuban Crafter: 300 boxes exclusive for Davidoff appointed merchant Cuban Crafters in the US.
Davidoff Exclusive Habana House: 300 boxes exclusive for Davidoff appointed merchant Habana House in the US.
Davidoff Exclusive Silver Leaf: 300 boxes exclusive for Davidoff appointed merchant Silver Leaf in the US.
Davidoff Exclusive Churchill’s:: 300 boxes exclusive for Davidoff appointed merchant Churchill’s in the US.
Davidoff Exclusive Cigar Shop Biloxi: 300 boxes exclusive for Davidoff appointed merchant The Cigar Shop Biloxi in the US.
Photo Credits: Oettinger Davidoff AG