Last year, due to the fact the premium cigar industry trade shows were cancelled, our show provided a platform to talk about releases for 2020. The concept was very well-received.
As we are into the summer months, we wanted to do the same Virtual Trade Expo concept again for 2021. The concept is very simple. We give a cigar company a 15-minute slot to come on and talk about theirsummer/upcoming releases.
We are scheduling this over two shows. This should eliminate backlog and provide a little more time for discussion:
- June 24, 2021: 9pm ET (STILL OPEN SLOTS)
- July 1, 2021: 9pm ET (NO OPEN SLOTS)
The schedule can be viewed online by clicking here. We will try to accommodate the requested time as closely as possible. If interested, please provide us a preferred time.
While we do realize the PCA Trade Show is coming up on July 10th, we are opening this up to everyone who has a summer release – regardless if you are going to PCA or not. Folks who participated last year are getting notified first.
A few points:
- We are doing our best to reach out to as many companies as possible. It’s not an exact science, but as long as a summer release is planned, we will be as inclusive as possible.
- This will NOT be a vHerf. We will not have multiple companies on at the same time. While consumers and retailers will be able to watch the live broadcast or replay, they will not be in the Zoom room.
- This is product-focused around releases planned for the June to September timeframe. We are encouraging the companies to give comprehensive information about the releases they are talking about. We are discouraging the “we got this project planned but can’t talk about it yet” conversations.
- This is not intended to take the place of our in-depth interviews on Prime Time, so you may see some of these guests in upcoming weeks.
- There will be no display with a whole bunch of product spread out on a tablecloth – unless one of our guests is ambitious.
If you want to see this concept in action from 2020, refer to this link: