At the 2021 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show, HVC Cigar Company will unveil its 10th Anniversary Cigar.
On a social media post, HVC owner Reinier Lorenzo said “A big day for us is approaching! I am happy to announce the release of our very own ’10th Anniversary’ cigar. It has been 10 years of consistency, perseverance and hard work and I am excited to celebrate with this special cigar. Needless to say, I am extremely grateful to every single person who has supported me and our brand, all the clients, sales reps, the people from Nicaragua and my family for encouraging me throughout the years. It is a big milestone that only motivates me for the next 10 years ahead. See you all in Vegas.”
The HVC 10th Anniversary is a 6 1/2 x 50 Toro featuring all Nicaraguan tobaccos. It is packaged in 10-count boxes. Pricing is set at $15.00 per cigar.
The PCA Trade Show opens July 10th in Las Vegas, Nevada.