CAO recently released their second installment of the Arcana line called the Firewalker. Following the successful Arcana Mortal Coil, the Firewalker gets its name from the unique fermentation process called chincagre. This process from the region of Masatepe is where they take the tobacco pilons and bury them deep in the volcanic soil for two months, dug up, and then fermented them for a second time at the factory. The press release explains this in a little more detail:
Chincagre is an archaic process of primary aging used by local tobacco farmers in Western Nicaragua. There, in the region of Masatepe where the filler is grown, the tobacco is placed into a pilón that is buried deep in the volcanic soil. The subterranean conditions allow the tobacco to ferment naturally, locking in an inherently sweet and aromatic quality. After two months, the Chincagre process is complete, and the pilón is then transferred to the factory for nine months of secondary fermentation.
- Size: 6 1/2 x 56
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano Rosado
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Filler: Nicaraguan
- Country of Origin: Nicaragua
- Factory: American Caribbean Cigars