Mother Church, a cigar released by Crowned Heads for JR Cigars’ 50th anniversary, is making a return. Today, it was announced the cigar will make a return for a limited run for JR Cigar and select Casa de Montecristo stores.
The cigar gets its name from Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, formerly known as the Grand Ole Opry House. Because of its resemblance to a Church, the Ryman has long been known as Mother Church by Nashville natives.
The blend for the Mother Church remains the same. It features an Ecuadorian Corojo ’99 wrapper, a Connecticut Broadleaf binder, and aged tobacco from three of the main growing regions in Nicaragua. The cigar is produced out of Tabacalera Pichardo, the factory owned by Crowned Heads’ strategic alliance partner ACE Prime.
“Developing ‘Mother Church’ and working with the JR Cigar and Casa De Montecristo team has been a surreal and amazing experience,” said Jon Huber, co-founder of Crowned Heads, in a press release. “Mother Church was my expression of thanks, respect and homage to not only JR but to my hometown of Nashville, as well. That’s why launching this cigar at the Casa de Montecristo in Nashville is so special. The cigar has found its way home.
Once again, the cigar will be produced in one size – a 7 x 48 Churchill. It will be presented in ten-count boxes with a total production of 1,000 boxes. Pricing is set at $12.90 per cigar or $129.00 per box.
The cigar will be released during a launch event with Crowned Heads at the Casa de Montecristo Nashville retail store on August 3 and will be available in select Casa stores the same day. It will then become available on JR Cigar a few days later.