Prime Time Jukebox

On Episode 95, Dave and Coop take on a project known as “The Beginning of the End”.

There is a point an artist releases an album, but for several reasons the signs are beginning to point that things are heading downhill. It could be because the artist isn’t keeping up with the times, the band is falling apart, unforseen circumstances, a dividing line among fans, just the fact the music isn’t good anymore, or many other reasons. Tonight we will look at several artists where you can just see the signs, and discuss why things would spiral downward.

In this episode, Dave smokes the Fosforo while Coop smokes the La Aurora Hors D’Age

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Prime Time Jukebox – the podcast that pairs music with cigars. You can catch us on Google Play MusiciTunesPodbean, YouTube, Odysee, and Rumble.