Lure Cigars has introduced its second line of cigars, the Lure Habano. This joins the company’s Corojo Oscuro line, which was formally introduced last month.
The Lure Habano will be offered in two sizes, each with slightly different blends. Holy Colie (5 x 50 Robusto) and Tally Allie (6 x 52). Both cigars are Nicaraguan puros featuring a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, a binder from Estelí, and fillers from Estelí and Jalapa. The difference is the Holy Colie includes Ometepe tobacco in the filler while the Tally Allie swaps out the Ometepe tobacco for Condega tobacco. The cigars are packaged in a ten-count sealed wax pack wrapper in heavyweight craft stock pepper and include a Boveda pack. The color of the packaging is green rather than the red color used on the Corojo Oscuro.
The Holy Colie is priced at $11.00/cigar, while the Tally Allie is priced at $12.00.
Lure Cigars was founded by Lou Cross Jr. Cross Jr was a lifelong outdoorsman, avid fisherman, and cigar enthusiast. Shortly after celebrating his 90th birthday, Lou Jr. passed away in June of 2023, surrounded by family and friends. One of the last and fondest memories shared with him was enjoying a cigar and telling stories. The idea of Lure Cigars is to bring cigar enthusiasts together through ‘Tackle & Tobacco” and encourage cigar enthusiasts to “Smoke Great Cigars & Tell Tall Tales.™”
At press time, a soft launch of the Lure Habano was made to Luxury Cigar Club ahead of a national launch. Lure Cigars are distributed in the U.S. by Valacari Cigars.
Photo Credit: Lure Cigars LLC