At the 2024 Premium Cigar Association Trade Show, Joya de Nicaragua will launch a 14-cigar collection called The Ultimate Jewel Collection. It is a collection of 14 cigars, each from Joya de Nicaragua’s family of brands in what the company has said is the best-selling vitola. The selection spans many releases from the company’s inception in 1968 (Clásico Original) to its latest release in 2023 (Cinco de Cinco).
The Ultimate Jewel Collection name was inspired by a story during an exchange between a factory visitor and master buncher Aristo Tours.
[themify_box ]
Visitor: “What exactly do you do?”
Torres: “I’m a jeweler. But not just any jeweler. Each of my hand-rolled creations is a man’s best friend. It’s not just a cigar; it’s an experience, each puff a story unfolding.”[/themify_box]
The 14 cigars included in the Ultimate Jewel Collection include the following cigars:
Obras Maestras
- Cuatro Cinco Toro (6 1/4 x 50)
- Cinco Décadas Dilemma (6 x 54)
- Numero Uno L’Ambassadeur (6 5/8 x 44)
- Cinco de Cinco Robusto Gordo (5 1/4 x 54)
- Antaño 1970: Robusto Grande (5 1/2 x 52)
- Antaño Dark Corojo: El Matillo (5 1/2 x 54)
- Antaño Grand Reserva: GT: (6 x 54)
- Antaño CT: Toro (6 x 50)
- Joya Cabinetta: Toro (6 x 52)
- Joya Red: Toro (6 x 52)
- Joya Silver: Toro (6 x 52)
- Joya Black: Toro (6 x 52)
- Clásico Original: Toro (6 x 50)
- Clásico Medio Siglo: Robusto (5 x 50)
The Joya de Nicaragua Jewel Collection is priced at $180.00 per unit. Drew Estate distributes Joya de Nicaragua in the United States.
The 2024 PCA Trade Show opens in Las Vegas, Nevada, on March 23, 2024.
Photo Credit: Joya de Nicaragua