Litto Gomez Jr La Flor Dominicana
La Flor Dominicana has informed retailers that Litto Gomez Jr. is its new Vice President of Retail Partnerships and Sales. Litto Jr. is the son of La Flor Dominicana owners Ines and Litto Gomez.

Litto began working at La Flor Dominicana at a young age at the company’s distribution warehouse. He was educated on cigar making alongside his father and brother. Most recently, he has served as La Flor Dominicana’s Northeast Sales Manager.

“I am incredibly honored and humbled to accept this new position and am excited to drive La Flor Dominicana in a direction that prioritizes and honors our relationships with our valued customers,” said Litto Jr. in an email to its retailers.

Photo Credit courtesy of Litto Gomez Jr.