Patina Netherlands Distribution

Patina Cigars will now have distribution in the Netherlands. Small Batch Traders NL will handle Patina’s distribution in the Netherlands with the opportunity to expand into other European countries in the future.

“This is a wonderful and exciting opportunity for Patina, I appreciate Stijn’s confidence in the Patina brand and I am also confident our cigars will thrive in the European market,” commented Patina owner Mo Maali in a press release.

“When Mo and I first met, smoked some of his cigars together, and chatted away there was a kind of click between us. We both love cigars and I was impressed by Mo’s dedication and passion. This is something I want to share with our consumer base in the Netherlands and in Europe. I’m convinced they will be impressed too,”  added Stijn Elbersen of Small Batch Traders NL.

The first Patina shipment to the Netherlands is expected to arrive in the next few weeks.