Stoic Cigars

Stoic Cigars has announced the launch of its debut eponymous line, Stoic. Stoic Cigars was founded by Vance Taylor, a business executive with a passion for cigars and philosophy. In this case, it’s stoicism.

Stoicism is a philosophy that dates back to Ancient Greece and Rome. It focuses on achieving a well-lived life by practicing four virtues: courage, justice, wisdom, and moderation. These virtues are the names of the cigars in the Stoic line. A total of 750 20-count boxes have been produced.

  • Courage: 5 x 50
  • Justice: 6 x 52
  • Wisdom: 7 x 48
  • Moderation: 5 1/2 x 46

“Stoic Cigars is more than just a premium product; it’s a symbol of self-improvement and personal empowerment,” commented Taylor. “By integrating the principles of mindfulness and self-reflection with the craftsmanship and culture of premium, hand-rolled cigars, we’re creating an experience that resonates with both the palate and the spirit.”

To make his cigars, Taylor turned to Klaas Kelner’s Kelner Cigars factory.

“Klaas is obsessed with quality and that’s so important to me,” said Taylor, adding, “he grew up in his family’s tobacco fields and, despite his young age, knows more about tobacco – how to select it, store it, prepare it, and assemble it to create flawless cigars – than most industry veterans twice his age.”

Kelner added his thoughts on the partnership. “I am happy and honored that Stoic Cigars has found a home in our factory. Vance and his philosophy for the brand align perfectly with our way of crafting premium cigars. In addition to his keen business intellect and creative brand strategy, Vance’s relentless search for unique flavors and aromas have challenged us to experiment with multiple tobacco compositions to fine tune blends that I am sure will be received with praise.”

Stoic Cigars will launch officially on November 16, 2024, at Summit Cigar Company in Akron, Ohio.

“Summit Cigar Company was the natural choice for our launch,” Taylor explained. “Their owner, Matt Waris, has been a critical friend and adviser to me along this journey, and represents the gold standard in premium cigar retail. Matt’s deep-seated love for cigars, commitment to the consumer experience, and keen industry expertise are all best in class.”

Waris added. “I’ve known Vance for 10 plus years now. He’s always had a unique ability to find great cigars others have missed, and a creative outlook on business and life. When he called to tell me he was going all in on a cigar brand, I was pumped to be a part of the journey. Having had the chance to smoke a few ahead of the debut, I can say he has truly crafted something unique and special. People are going to dig it for sure!”

The cigar band features a QR code to learn more about the philosophy behind each blend and vitola. Pricing comes in between $10.68 and $12.88, depending on size.