Prime Time Jukebox Episode 148 features our 18th installment of our Album Archaeology Series, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd. This album won our 2024 Battle of the Bands – 1970s Tournament, and was the album drafted by Espinosa Cigars’ Hector Alfonso. To celebrate Wish You Were Here‘s win, we devote an Album Archaeology to this album. We are also joined by John McTavish of Developing Palates who also participated in this year’s tournament.
Much like an archaeologist digs and hunts for gems, on Album Archaeology we dig deep into an album. We examine each of the tracks of this album looking at the music, lyrics, and stories behind this album.
Tune in to the premiere of Prime Time Jukebox Episode 148: Album Archaeology 18 – Wish You Were Here, Pink Floyd on YouTube on Monday 1/6/25 at 8pm ET.
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Prime Time Jukebox – the podcast that pairs music with cigars. You can catch us on Google Play Music, iTunes, Podbean, YouTube, Odysee, and Rumble.