Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]
Agile Cigar Review: Joya de Nicaragua Antaño Gran Reserva GT20
William Cooper Agile Cigar Reviews, Reviews No Comments 85-87, Agile Cigar Review, Assessment Update, Joya de Nicaragua, Try a Sample
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]
Agile Cigar Review: VegaFina Nicaragua Gran Vulcano
William Cooper Agile Cigar Reviews, Reviews No Comments 85-87, Agile Cigar Review, Assessment Update, Tabacalera SLU, Try a Sample, VegaFina
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]
Agile Cigar Review: Arturo Fuente Rare Pink Vintage 1960’s Signature
William Cooper Agile Cigar Reviews, Reviews No Comments 88-90, Agile Cigar Review, Arturo Fuente, Assessment Update, Buy Multiples, Fuente
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]
Agile Cigar Review: Red Meat Lovers Beef Stick by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust (Smoke Inn Exclusive Edition)
William Cooper Agile Cigar Reviews, Reviews No Comments 88-90, Agile Cigar Review, Assessment Update, Buy One, DTT, Dunbarton Tobacco and Trust, Smoke Inn Microblend Series
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are rescoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]
Agile Cigar Review: E.P. Carrillo Pledge Apogee
William Cooper Agile Cigar Reviews, Reviews No Comments 88-90, Agile Cigar Review, Assessment Update, EP Carrillo, EPC, Try a Sample
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]
Agile Cigar Review: Mi Querida Black SakaKhan by Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust
William Cooper Agile Cigar Reviews, Reviews No Comments 88-90, Agile Cigar Review, Assessment Update, Buy One, DTT, Dunbarton Tobacco and Trust
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]
Agile Cigar Review: Warzone Rabito
William Cooper Agile Cigar Reviews, Reviews No Comments 88-90, Agile Cigar Review, Assessment Update, Buy One, Espinosa, General, Warzone
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]
Agile Cigar Review: All Saints St. Francis Oscuro Mitre
William Cooper Agile Cigar Reviews, Reviews No Comments 88-90, Agile Cigar Review, All Saints Cigars, Assessment Update, Buy One
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]
Agile Cigar Review: HVC Hot Cake Gran Cañon
William Cooper Agile Cigar Reviews, Reviews No Comments 88-90, Agile Cigar Review, Assessment Update, Buy One, HVC
Agile Cigar Reviews are cigar assessments where we use a lightweight, shorter format. These will never take the place of our comprehensive reviews. They are only used on blends we have previously assessed. This might be a blend we are re-scoring or giving a score for the first time. It might be a blend we […]