Cigar Dave “The General” does a terrific job at explaining Nicotine in Cigars and drawing a difference between Cigarette Smokers and Cigar Enthusiasts. This happens between the 4:30 and 10:50 minute mark. Click here to listen…. (be sure to hit the PLAY button).
Complete Discrimination – Largo, FL Contemplating Ban on Hiring Tobacco Users
Not only is this an outrage – it is a disgrace. This is a legal product and this is discrimination to the nth degree! I read a post that asked where is the ACLU on this one. I do believe that is a legitimate gripe here. Folks, your ability to now earn […]
Jeff Borysiewicz responds to Mayor Richard Crotty’s tobacco ban in Orlando.
Way to go Jeff Borysiewicz of Corona Cigars in Orlando, Florida! We must continue to battle the pleasure police. Alert: Red