The Charlotte Observer is reporting that Mecklenburg County, North Carolina is considering a proposal that will institute a smoking ban in its public parks. Mecklenburg County, includes the city of Charlotte. This news came after the the town of Huntersville, also located in Mecklenburg County voted on an immediate ban of smoking in its town’s […]
Pleasure Police Yellow Alert: Orlando Outdoor Smoking Ban Resolution

The following is an email that I received from Corona Cigars in regards to a proposed Outdoor Smoking Ban in the city Orlando. This contains important information to not just Orlando residents, but all cigar enthusiasts nationwide. There is a nice resource of links to refer to as well as an email to Orlando Mayor […]
Operation Cigar Liberty: HR 1639

A few weeks ago, I posted some information about what I consider the most important political action item I have posted to date. A proactive piece of bi-partisian legislation being proposed to give cigars an exemption to the FDA legislation to cigars (HR 1639). Today, the Cigar Rights of America has launched “Operation Cigar Liberty” […]
Pleasure Police Yellow Alert: SB 575 and Arnold Schwarznegger’s Veto letter on Similar Legislation

Photo from CRA Email Correspondence The following was an email sent to members of the Cigar Rights of America. This contains a letter from former California Governor Arnold Schwarzegger who vetoed a smoking ban back in 2007. With the new SB 575 lurking on the horizon, there is now a new Governor (Jerry Brown) and […]
Yellow Alert: FDA Looking to Regulate Cigar Products

On this web-site, I continually try to generate some additional awareness for legislation that affects us as cigar enthusiasts. Perhaps this post represents the most important political action item I have posted to date. You probably are aware of the FDA’s intent to regulate the cigar industry and lump cigars in with cigarettes. This is […]
Yellow Alert: Petition to Fight California Smoking Ban Proposal

The CRA has issued a petition against California Bill 575 – a proposal that would issue a widespread tobacco ban. They are calling on California and non-California residents to sign this. A few weeks ago, I discussed what a nightmare this would be: I pulled this right from the CRA communication. There are specific instructions […]
Yellow Alert: Sweeping Prohibition-like Bill Being Proposed in California

One thing I’ve mentioned in my campaign against the Pleasure Police is if you give them one inch, they will keep coming back for more. Now, they have struck in California where there is a scary and dangerous piece of legislation that threatens the future of cigar enthusiasm on a statewide basis. The bill is […]
Pleasure Police Yellow Alert: Tax Increases by State

Tobacco continues to be a target of tax increases around the different states here in the United States. While there is a perception that a tax increase can help raise revenue and perhaps get some people to stop using tobacco, it is a proven fact that this strategy backfires. Don’t believe me – look no […]
Yellow Alert: Pleasure Police in Boston now considering Outdoor Smoking Ban

Thanks to my buddy Jason for bringing this to my attention. This is exactly what my fear was when the Outdoor Smoking bans were passed by the city councils of Raleigh and New York City – namely more cities would want to join in. Now two city councilmen in Boston want to make a name […]
Yellow Alert: CRA Petition Update for Minnesota, Florida, and New Mexico
The CRA has put out three more petitions on tobacco legislation that is on the books. These petitions are for the states of Minnesota, Florida, and New Mexico. These petitions should only be signed if you are a resident of the state for which the petition is for. While it is very important that we […]