There has certainly been a hot bed of activity with the Pleasure Police in North Dakota. Earlier, this month the city of Minot, North Dakota rejected a Tobacco Ban that would have had a catastrophic impact on local businesses. Now the city of Bismarck, North Dakota has their own battle with the Pleasure Police. Bismarck […]
Testimony of J.Glynne Loope, Executive Director of Cigar Rights of America to the NYC City Council on the Proposed Outdoor Smoking Ban
After reading this, THANK YOU to Glynn and the CRA for fighting for our rights. I feel real good on the leadership the CRA is providing us in our battle against the Pleasure Police. I pulled this from Cigar Channel News. Folks, defeating this proposal will be historic and landmark for taking back our rights […]
Yellow Alert Update: “Compromise” for Outdoor Smoking Ban
Today was the first round of hearings on the New York City Outdoor Smoking Ban. The word I’ve heard is that this was a pretty heated meeting that took place today with the City Council. At today’s meetings the word “Compromise” is being bantered at the hearings. Peter Vallone (who make no bones about it […]
Yellow Alert: Pleasure Police Trying Outdoor Smoking Ban in Wilkes-Barre
As I’ve said earlier, the threat of the proposed New York City Outdoor Smoking ban is not unique to New York. This is going on all over the United States. Below is a link that describes a similar proposal in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. This is why we as Cigar Enthusiasts must rally and stop Mike Bloomberg […]
Why Cigar Enthusiasts Need to Take Action at the Voting Booths.
I saw Glynn Loope, the head of Cigar Rights of America put this out on Facebook. This explains why we as cigar and tobacco enthusiasts must hold our elected officials ACCOUNTABLE at the voting booth. A recent debate of Kansas Gubernatorial candidates saw the candidates indicate they wanted to reverse or revise the smoking ban […]
Green Alert: Minot, ND Committee Rejects Tobacco Ban Expansion
While the battle rages on against the Pleasure Police, all is not lost. Yes, folks the Pleasure Police are being beaten. This is because tobacco enthusiasts and local businessmen are getting involved. Congratulations to the city of Minot, North Dakota – a committee has rejected a proposal that would have expanded a tobacco ban into […]
Yellow Alert: Sign Petition against Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s Outdoor Smoking Ban Proposal
The proposed NYC Outdoor Smoking ban that will now make it illegal to enjoy a tobacco product on a park or beach is serious stuff. For folks around the country, you might already be seeing this crap happen in your local municipalities. For others, if something like this is allowed to happen, it could have […]
Red Alert: The Pleasure Police Strike the nation of Finland
Folks, as cigar enthusiasts, we must pay careful attention to all things the Pleasure Police do – even if it is overseas. Here is an article on the country of Finland – putting one of the most strict anti-Tobacco bans in motion. We have to be very concerned here because if it can happen in […]
Great Op-Ed write-up on the Cincinnati Reds

First up, I posted an article on how five members of the Pleasure Police decided to call the Cincinnati Health Department when the Reds decided to light up a celebratory cigar. Bravo to the CRA for jumping all over this, but where is the Cigar Community? The only people I have seen even up in […]
Red Alert: Pleasure Police Attempt to Ruin Cincinnati Reds NL Central Celebration

Bob Castellini enjoying a Liga Privada No9 Now normally, as a fan of a juggernaut known as Phillies Nation, I would not be posting a celebration from our opponent the Cincinnati Reds. However, I must give props to our opponent. After wrapping up the NL Central Title – the Reds first in 15 years, the […]