This evening the first step of bringing Cigar-Coop into modern technology was taken. Cigar Coop has now migrated to using a custom domain –
I’ve been assured by all technologists that this was a seamless process. So far, except for a few glitches, things seemed to have worked pretty well. There may still be one or two here and there.
The old URL will continue to work. A phase 2 will be to migrate the actual infrastructure to wordpress sometime later this year. Stay tuned for more details.
One final note, there are many reasons for the change, but my primary motivation is to take the word “blog” off of this site. I’m grateful for the incredible support from the cigar community and beyond. To me, the name blog implies hobbyist, and it is my sincere goal to go beyond the word “hobbyist” with Cigar Coop. I can’t speak for everyone, but a lot of what we do on these “Cigar Information Sites” is share our passion with this industry through timely information and our feedback on the products. This goes well beyond hobby and its my reasoning to remove references to the word blog.
You won’t see any changes and it is my goal to keep this website ad free. If domain gets bigger, I might have to reconsider that, but I don’t want things to come to that. Thank you everyone for your incredible support on this project.
March 16, 2011 @ 2:18 am
Congratulations Will!