A slow week of news, but the 2024 Cigar of the Year Countdown is underway.
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 617 (12/14/24)
This week discontinued cigars continue to be of interest to our readers, but then comes word of a previously unreleased OpusX in the U.S. and a $40.00 cigar from Warped.
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 616 (12/7/24)
Post Thanksgiving, cigar news has picked up again.
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 615 (11/30/24)
It was a light week in news this week….
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 614 (11/23/24)
Aganorsa Leaf has a new cigar to commemorate 25 years of operation…
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 613 (11/16/24)
We remember Mike Peacock who passed away last weekend.
Too Many Limited Edition Cigars or Not Enough? | Feature Story
On Prime Time Episode 323, we assembled out 19th media panel. One of the topics the panel tackled was limited edition cigars.
Cigar Industry Report: Edition 612 (11/9/24)
We pay homage to one of the true legends in the cigar industry and kindest individuals you would ever meet, José Seijas.
Announcement: El Oso Fumar Takes Take 311: Seven Year Anniversary Show
On Take 311 El Oso Fumar celebrates its seven year anniversary. Once again, host Bear Duplisea goes Rick Rubin assembling a panel of guests.
Introducing New Value Ratings – Splurge and Don’t Splurge | The Blog
For the first time in seven years, Cigar Coop is introducing two new value ratings: Splurge and Don’t Splurge.