One cigar that has gotten a lot of buzz from the Cigar Industry is the release of Miami Cigars’ Humo Jaguar.
The Humo Jaguar cigar comes from the cigar festival in Honduras that bears the same name. Various cigar makers enter the competition. It turns out that a blend by Nestor Plasencia won the 2011 competition and as a result it is now being distributed by Miami Cigars.
Word is that this cigar will be full-flavored and full-bodied. Here is what I know about this cigar: One theme that has really gone unnoticed is the return of Honduran tobacco to many of the big name blends. The Humo Jaguar is representative of this trend.
Blend Profile
Being a Honduran Festival, no surprises the tobacco is from – Honduras!
Wrapper: Honduran Oscuro (Viso Priming)
Binder: Talanga (Honduran)
Filler: Honduran Cuban-Seed
Vitolas Available
Robusto: 5 x 52
Corona Gorda: 6 x 52
Gigante: 6 x 60
I am looking forward to trying the sample of this cigar I have.