Atlantic Cigar Company has listed their third cigar in their 15th Anniversary Series. This one is a retail exclusive cigar provided by E.P. Carrillo cigars and is called “E.P. Carrillo Atlantic 15th Anniversary”. The cigar is available for purchase at the time of this article.
Atlantic Cigar has said this is the only maduro that will be released as a part of their 15th Anniversary Series. This is the third release of the series joining the Viaje Exclusivo Atlantic Cigar Co 15th Anniversary Lancero and the My Father Atlantic Cigar Company 15th Anniversary. The cigar will be packaged in boxes of 10 and 500 boxes have been produced.
The cigar features the black “E.P. Carrillo” band found on the E.P. Carrillo Elencos series. There is a secondary band that is black and silver that says “Atlantic Cigar 15th Anniversary”.
This cigar marks the second retail exclusive by E.P. Carrillo joining the E.P. Carrillo Short Run 2010 No. 4 that was made for Federal Cigar in New Hampshire.
Here are the particulars of the series:
Blend Profile
Wrapper: Brazilian Maduro
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan, Dominican
Vitolas Available
The E.P. Carrillo Atlantc 15th Anniversary will only be made in a single vitola, a 6 x 52 Toro.