The Cigar Week Wrap is a one stop place to catch up on the activity here at Cigar Coop.  It is a combination of our news reports, cigar reviews, and assessment updates we do throughout the week.  We will throw in a few bonus items from time to time as well. Our intent is to publish once a week on Saturday mornings.  Note: We have decided to label our posts as “Volume 2” to be consistent with the monthly “Editor’s Corner”.

News and Previews

April 1st comes along every year with lots of bogus April Fools’ stories from the cigar industry.  When news hit with a movie with Cigar Celebrities and the use of Fire Cured tobacco in new cigars, we even had to digest this one for a while.  

The Fire Cured Tobacco announcements made for a somewhat historical week in the cigar industry.  There were two cigars announced that include the use of fire cured tobacco.  This is not a type of cured tobacco normally seen in cigars (which are air-cured)  A possible new trend?  A possible new innovation?  Time will tell.  This week, Drew Estate’s Kentucky Fire Cured MUWAT (which uses a fire cured wrapper) and Leccia Tobacco’s Black (which uses a fire cured leaf in the filler) both made for this significant week.

Legislative News


Editor’s Corner Vol 2, Number 4 (April 2013)
  • In this month’s topic we provided some thoughts on two industry power players that entered the scene in 2013 – Royal Gold Cigars and Sindicato Cigar Group.

On this date April 6th..