The Cigar Week Wrap is a one stop place to catch up on the activity here at Cigar Coop. It is a combination of our news reports, cigar reviews, and assessment updates we do throughout the week. We will throw in a few bonus items from time to time as well. Our intent is to publish once a week on Saturday mornings. Note: We have decided to label our posts as “Volume 2” to be consistent with the monthly “Editor’s Corner”.

The IPCPR Trade Show was the big story of the week.  We will restructure things a bit this week to talk about show news and news outside the show.  We thank the IPCPR for the opportunity to cover the show.  We cover it like no one else.  Be sure to continue to follow our IPCPR 2013 Digest – which is still in progress.

IPCPR News and Previews

We still are putting content together from the show, so this is not meant to be a complete list, but more of a recap of whatever we covered. We also did many updates to our pre-IPCPR coverage.  Refer to our IPCPR Digest for complete info.
Other News
Legislative News
Assessment Updates
On this date July 27th…