Casa Cuba, the long-awaited new line of cigars by Arturo Fuente has recently began shipping to retailers. This is a cigar that has been several years in the making, but also over two years in terms of anticipation for its arrival in the marketplace. The initial allocations to retailers will be limited, with further allocations to follow. Most retailers who received allocations had ordered this cigar at the 2013 IPCPR Trade Show.
Originally, Casa Cuba was targeted for a release in 2012 as a part of Fuente’s 100th anniversary celebrations. In June, 2012 the company announced these plans were being put on hold due to “personal and professional challenges”. It is believed that this was tied to the challenges of a fire that destroyed two Fuente warehouses in late 2011.
There are two noteworthy items in regards to the Casa Cuba release. First, it is a cigar that was blended by Carlos Fuente, Sr. It is believed to be the first significant release that Carlos Sr. has put together in many years. Secondly, this is a cigar that is being marketed for the most part without the “A. Fuente” name and appears to be positioned as a brand that will stand on its own. It is also the first new brand in the Arturo Fuente cigar catalog in recent years.
Arturo Fuente Casa Cuba |
Blend Profile
The cigars are blended at the Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia factory in the Dominican Republic. According to Cigar Aficionado, the wrapper is an “Ecuadorian Havana”.
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Havana
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Vitolas Available
The Casa Cuba is being launched in four sizes. It will be packaged in boxes of 30. The price point ranges from $8.75 to $10.00. According to Cigar Aficionado, the names are come from dominos.
Doble Cuatro: 4 1/2 x 54
Doble Cinco: 5 x 50
Doble Tres: 5 1/2 x 44
Doble Seies: 6 x 52