A new cigar blend is coming to the Dunhill Cigars portfolio. The 1907 by Dunhill is expected to make its debut this May. This will add was is described as a “medium offering” into the company’s cigar portfolio. Information on this release was reported on a 2/26/14 article by Cigar Aficionado.
The 1907 by Dunhill derives its name from the brand’s origins. The Dunhill brand can be traced back to Alfred Dunhill’s tobacco shop that opened in 1907 on Duke Street in London. The store had numerous marketing/distribution agreements with many Cuban cigar manufacturers. The store also served as a tobacconist for such famous people as Winston Churchill and King George VI. Dunhill’s relationship with the Cuban cigar market continued after the Cuban revolution. In 1982, Dunhill started working with Cubatabaco (Cuba’s nationalized tobacco company) to produce cigars. By 1984, the cigars started hitting the market and expanded into 30 countries. While the brand expanded, they soon started facing competition and by 1991, Cubatabaco and Dunhill went their separate ways. Dunhill did not find a new manufacturing source and eventually the brand name was sold to British American Tobacco. Today there are two core lines the Dunhill Aged (Blue Label) and the Dunhill Signed Range. The cigars are distributed by General Cigar Company.
At a glance here is a look at the 1907 by Dunhill as reported by Cigar Aficionado.
Blend Profile
The cigar features a Honduran wrapper with Dominican binder and filler. The cigar is being made at General Cigar Dominicana.
Wrapper: Honduran Osa Viso
Binder: Dominican Olor
Filler: Dominican Olor and Dominican Piloto Cubano
Vitolas Available
The 1907 by Dunhill will be released in four frontmarks. Each will be packaged in boxes of 18.
Rothschild: 4 1/2 x 48
Robusto: 5 x 52
Toro: 6 x 54 (Box Pressed)
Churchill: 7 x 49