At the 2014 ProCigar Festival in the Dominican Republic, Quesada Cigars was expected to unveil their long-awaited 40th Anniversary cigar – and that’s exactly what happened. Numerous attendees of the festival have been taking to social media to show pictures of a Salomon press cigar.
The Quesada 40th Anniversary Salomon Press is a unique cigar in that is a salomon shape with a box-pressed section in the center – something that appears has never be done before.
Unique vitolas are nothing new to the Quesadas. A couple of years ago, the Quesada Q D’etat Molotov was designed to be in the shape of a molotov cocktail.
Announcements by Quesada Cigars have also been par for the course at the ProCigar festival. In 2011, the company created a lot of buzz with the Quesada Seleccion Espana. In 2012, the company showcased the Quesada Q d’etat Howizer, and in 2013 they unveiled the Fonseca Cubano Exclusivo.
The company posted the following photo on their Facebook page of the Salomon press:
IFollowing the festival, photos of a Toro press were posted on the company’s Facebook page:
Update 2/24/14: Included Toro press photos.