Davidoff Limited Art Edition packaging (Photo Credit: Davidoff.com) |
Davidoff Cigars unveiled its latest limited edition cigar, the Davidoff Limited Art Edition. The cigar will be a Dominican puro perfecto. This release is part of a project in which the company is inviting contemporary artists to create a series of art work for each release. The inaugural releae of this series was unveiled at Art Basel in Hong Kong, a four day art festival held annually in Hong Kong. Art Basel also conducts art festivals in Basel Switzerland and Miami Beach.
Back in December, it was announced that Dominican artist Quisqueya Henriquez would create the artwork for the packaging of the first Davidoff Limited Art Series. There will be two packaging options for cigars. While the cigars will be identical in each packaging option, it will have a unique secondary band matching that option. The artwork is being called “Forms of Freedom #1” and “Forms of Freedom #2”. The company has also used a multi-packaging / secondary band option on its Zino – the Make of New York and Zino – The Make of Los Angeles releases.
Davidoff Limited Art Edition (Photo Credit Davidoff.com) |
Davidoff Cigars has a standing commitment to the art community through both the Davidoff Art Residency and Davidoff Art Residency programs. The Davidoff Art Residency is a program to help emerging and mid-career Dominican and Caribbean artists develop their skills, help them with networking, earn exposure for their work, and share their expertise. The Davidoff Art Initiative is continuing preparations for an international Art Residency program in La Romana, Dominican Republic, in collaboration with the Altos de Chavon School of Design, the country’s leading institution for art and design education. The Initiative is planning to build new studios for the visiting artists at the school, in preparation for the launch of the residencies, in winter 2015.
“I have always had in mind to work with images that illustrate time and the many different steps involved in the tradition of cigar making,” said Henriquez.
Quisqueya Henriquez |
The company is also releasing fifty Collector’s Editions. This is a very limited run that will include a special edition box of cigars as well as a unique original artist print by Henriquez. The artwork can be selected by a customer at a time of purchase.
“When we approached Ms. Henriquez to do a work for our inaugural edition, we did not ask her to take up the subject of tobacco or cigars directly. So it was all the more gratifying that she asked to visit our tobacco fields in Santiago and spend time there observing our crops and the work methods of our cigar rollers,” said Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard, Chief Executive Officer Oettinger Davidoff AG. in a press release by the company,“ The works that have resulted from her experiments with photography and the manipulation of tobacco leaves are breathtakingly beautiful, and they also say something profound about the history and culture of the Caribbean.”
At a glance, here is a look at the Davidoff Limited Art Edition:
Blend Profile
As mentioned the cigar is a Dominican puro:
Wrapper: Dominican Republic
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Piloto Viso, San Vicente Mejorado Seco, Piloto Mejorado Seco, San Vicente, Mejorado Viso, Vicente Mejorado Viso
Vitolas Available
The Davidoff Art Edition will be available in one size – 5 15/16 x 54 perfecto. It will carry an SRP of $35.00 per cigar. The cigars will be packaged in boxes of 10 and a total of 3,000 boxes of each artwork have been produced.