Cigar Dojo, the online social cigar application has announced a Loyalty and Rewards program that will be available to brick and mortar shops. The unique program is designed to encourage users to purchase at their local brick and mortar shop and provide incentives to customers who make such purchases.
Under the program, each participating cigar shop will have a rewards program customized for the shop. Customers will earn points based on various social media activities such as a shop check-in, attaching photos, and sharing information across social media. As a customer earns points, they will create a a viral “buzz” on social media for the participating shops. The program will also track rewards earned for participating shops, so there is no need to do this manually or with third party software.
While Cigar Dojo app has a cigar shop locator, the Loyalty and Rewards feature allows cigar shops to develop a stronger connection with their customers.
“Creating a viral loyalty & rewards program that benefits both the customer and the cigar shop was our goal and we believe we have created something very special.” stated Eric Guttormson, owner of the Cigar Dojo. He continued, “Not only does this new feature help shops retain and reward their loyal customers, but it helps bring in new customers as well. We are very excited and proud that we can help brick & mortar cigar shops strengthen their business.
“This is just the beginning. We have huge plans for the new Loyalty & Rewards Program. We are already working on the next phase, which will allow shop owners their own online admin dashboard that will give them access to view trends and analytics regarding their loyalty program, as well as send messages to the people who are using the program. Just imagine how powerful that data will be for the shop owner. We are also planning to allow shop owners the option to tie the rewards program in with their existing point-of-sale machine for an even more robust system. We are committed to making this the best loyalty & rewards program – period,” stated Mr. Guttormson.