Winston Churchill Cigars will become the latest brand under the Davidoff of Geneva portfolio to undergo a makeover. Yesterday Cigar Aficionado has reported the news that Winston Churchill Cigars will be rebranded as Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigars. In addition, the cigars in the brand will be re-blended and undergo a packaging change. There will be what has been described as a “sneak preview” being scheduled for New York City in December with plans for a full launch in February, 2015.
According to the report, Davidoff had suspended production of the existing Winston Churchill blend and has been allowing supplies of the product to deplete. Details of the new Davidoff Winston Churchill blend were not disclosed in the report other than it will be a mix of Dominican, Ecuadorian, Mexican, and Nicaraguan tobaccos. The report does say the new Davidoff Winston Churchill will be launched in four sizes: Petit Corona, Robusto, Toro, and Robusto.
It was back in late 2007 when Winston Churchill Cigars was launched. This was a project done in collaboration with Winston Spencer-Churchill, the grandson of the famous British Prime Minster.
The Winston Churchill brand now brings the total number of brand makeovers in the Davidoff portfolio to three. In 2013, a major revamping occurred to the Camacho brand. At the 2014 IPCPR Trade Show, it was announced that the Avo brand would also receive a makeover.